Sunday, June 9, 2013

One and a half

This morning at breakfast the chiquita banana ate a full kid's meal. One scrambled egg, bacon hashbrowns, avocado and wheat toast. The whole time she was giggling and saying "mmm, yummy!" It was fantastic and only one smidgin of the joy that she is at a year and a half.

Our days are a haze of the park and grocery stores. She loves water and the sandy beaches. She smiles and waves at everyone and is so very excited to see animals. The neighbors down the hall love how she squeals at their pet bulldog, "doggie! doggie! doggie!" she exclaims!

She is such a busy and curious girl. All day she plays and dances and sings and smiles. There is an absolute light that radiates from her and commands attention from so many strangers.

Her brothers may occasionally get jealous of her toys, but they still adore her and play every chance they get. They love to show her off and are so proud to introduce her as their sister. And she is equally thrilled with them. They are her own private jungle gyms, her comedians, her protectors. She has learned to quietly say goodbye when they leave and she jumps for joy when she hears them return.

Food is great fun. She is a snack-o-holic, eating all day long. We let her try everything, even the salsa when mama makes it spicy. Occasionally she makes a face or spits it out, but her palette is impressive. I'm sure there will be a day when asks for chicken nuggets and macaroni, but right now she's at my mercy.

Leeloo is so excited about the world that she doesn't want to miss anything. She is never really happy about having to sleep. Sometimes we're lucky to have a three hour nap during the day, but our night time ritual starts at eight and sometimes lasts until ten. Luckily she sleeps in (but so does mami).

Our house is overflowing with things. Most recent purchases (from a Craigslist shopping spree) include a mini play kitchen and a Tonka truck (which I have always wanted!). I swore up and down that I would never spoil her with material things, and here she is, spoiled with everything! I can't help it. Hopefully I can teach her generosity and kindness and help her to appreciate everything. If she becomes bratty and overindulged - I am in for it!

A year and a half! I am so lucky and thankful. I am savoring every second of our lives and enjoying it all.

At breakfast this morning - look at that empty plate!

She love to dance and spin (note the awesome Tonka truck!).

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