Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy hearts day!

We have fun with our little photo shoots. Or I could say I have fun, she probably wonders why I constantly hover over her making silly faces. This outfit was a perfect match for Valentines. I would send the pic to whoever gifted it to us, but I lost track of presents somewhere in December and have yet to sort the thank yous. (Ugh.) For now I'll just throw it into the universe: Thank you for the super cuteness!

Leeloo got her first shots last week. Like most babies she did not like them. But, she didn't cry for long. In fact, she was ok enough to visit the NST nurses and Dr. Ching right after. Then we went to Target and cute little kitchen store! She was great. So far the car/car seat is hit or miss, sometimes she digs it, sometimes she cries. However, she does love her K'Tan. She usually falls asleep when wrapped up next to me, and it's the only time she'll hang onto her pacifier. Sometimes I have technical issues getting her into it correctly, but I have to guess it's heaps easier than wrapping the Moby.

Along with the shots the little one got weighed and measured. She is 23" long and weighs just over 11 pounds :) So big!

As far as her tummy goes the doc suggested that we hold off on any diet changes. She thinks the tummy stuff is normal and should get better around three months. Since she doesn't complain everyday we're just gonna have to wait and see.

The doc did have one concern: her head. The sides of her head are very flat. I think she was stuck inside me so long that it smooshed her. Doc thinks her lying on her sides isn't helping her head round out. Doc wants us to keep her head as upright as possible (um, have you seen how babies lay?). At the 4 month visit we will reevaluate, if the isn't enough change we have to go to a neurologist and get fitted for a helmet. :( Poor girl. We'll have to do our best to keep her helmet-free. Come on roundness!

Happy Valentines everyone!

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